Sunday, November 14, 2010

What I'm Thankful for!

Jessica Batiz
                                                What I’m Thankful For
-          My mother, for doing her best by me
-          My life, I was born with a hole in my heart in thankful for being here
-          My father, he will always be in my heart
-          My uncle, he inspires me to do my best no matter what
-          For waking up every day, every day is not promised
-          Dancing, I love dancing it completes me
-          Performing, I love to entertain others and put smiles on their faces
-          My good health, I am happy to be in shape n healthy
-          A roof over my head, a lot do not have a place to live
-          My big sister, she was the first person who taught me to dance
-          My little brother, he looks up to me and everything I do
-          My community, I give back as much as I can every day
-          My open personality, it separates me from everyone else and makes me unique

Sunday, November 7, 2010

1st draft paper

Jessica Batiz
November 3, 2010
                     Happiness and Relationships
    More parents should use their power of “The Science of Happiness” to prepare their children for the real world. In this essay, I will discuss how some parents do not prepare their kids for the real world by not using “The Science of Happiness.” Some parents need to talk to their children more often, be more supportive, and understanding of their children. There are many kids whose lives would ave turned out so much better if they had the love and support they needed.
    Many parents need to take some time to talk to their kids. Many children who do not talk to their parents carry too much on their shoulders. Sometimes children need some one they know will be honest with them about anything. Talking is an important key to “The Science of Happiness,” because it deepens the relationship between the two people. Children need and want help from those who they know will always tell them the truth and not what they want to hear. When parents talk to their children, it shows them the unconditional love they will only get from those who love them. Love and patients is what every child tries to find from their parents and “The Science of Happiness” makes this easier. As shown in the article of unconditional love, the champion went to talk to his mother for advise on love. He wanted to be loved for who he was and not for what he had or became. His mother showed him unconditional love by just being there for him. Sometimes its the simple things that some parents forget to show their children that can make or break their relationship.
    Support seems to be the hardest thing for some parent to give to their children and I think its the most important. Children need to know that no matter what they do there is someone who will be there for them. To have some one there to watch you make your first touch down, watch you make your first speech, watch you take your first shot, or even watch your first solo. These things do matter to the child and when the parent makes it seem meaning less it can really destroy the relationship between a parent and child. Most of the time children just want to feel excepted by their parents and sometimes parents do not understand that. In the article the core self, talks about the different characteristics that make up a person and how they behave. If these characteristics are not excepted by your parents what makes you think they will by anyone else. When parents do not support their children it makes it harder for them to be happy. It will be harder for happiness because they will always be thinking of acceptance and not being happy with who they are. Support of children needs to be taken more seriously by parents of the sake of happiness in the future.
    Understanding is another key to “The Science of Happiness” that parents need to pay more attention to with their children. Many parents to not understand that being a child is hard work. Parents ignore their children and tend to loose sight of their feelings. Children need to feel free to express them selves and do what they can to make themselves happy. Some parents need to realize that they are the most important figure of their child’s life. As shown in the article The Circle of Happiness, a child is more creative when they are closer to their parents. A child feels more comfortable to express their self if they are around the one who knows and understands them. Most children feel misunderstood because their parents never took the time to understand them or their feelings. Some parents need to take the time to understand to not only save their relationship but a life as well.
    “The Science of Happiness” may not be the easiest thing to teach, but it needs to be used more in relationships between parents and children. The parent and child relationship is the most important relationship and needs to be taken more seriously. There are may children who needs someone to talk to, who need to be supported, and who long to be understood. Parents need to wake up and try to make their relationships with their children more meaningful. Just talking to your kids, making them feel loved, and being there no matter what can make them feel like a million bucks. If taken seriously and used more efficiently “The Science o Happiness can make parent and child relationships a lot more happier.